Thursday, January 24, 2019

Masonic Library

Masonic Library

At the meeting of February 5, 1909, the following is recorded:

Bro. J. T. Kirkland brought up the question of starting a Library, and after some discussion it was moved by Bro. Kirkland and seconded by Bro. E. C. Robertson that a special committee be appointed to consider the question and report.

On March 5, 1909, the Committee appointed to consider the establishment of a Masonic Library submitted the following report:

     To the W. M. and members of Mississippi Lodge:

Your special committee appointed to consider the establishment of a masonic library in connection with this Lodge beg to submit the following recommendations:

(1) That a special committee of three be appointed by the W.M. to be known as the Library Committee.
(2) That such Library Committee shall be a standing committee of the Lodge; and shall hereafter be appointed by the W. M. annually as soon as possible after his installation.
(3) That the duties of such committee shall be to collect and preserve for the use of the Lodge suitable masonic literature, and to regulate the use of same by the members.
(4) That a grant of $50 out of the funds of this Lodge be made to such committee at once to be expended for the purposes above mentioned.
(5) That such committee shall keep proper accounts of all receipts and expenditures; and shall submit such accounts with proper vouchers to the auditors of the Lodge for annual audit and whenever required by the W. M. to do so. And such committee shall present to the Lodge a full report of all their transactions at the last regular meeting of the Lodge in each year.

On March 15, 1979:

The matter of booklets for Candidates was raised by Wor. Bro. D. Dillabaugh and after some discussion it was decided that the Secretary be instructed to order the following booklets from Grand Lodge: Ten copies of each of "So You Want to be a Mason"; "For the use of the Entered Apprentice"; "For the use of the Fellowcraft Mason"; "For the use of the Master Mason".

May 16, 1985: "Two old installation books, one from V. Wor. Bro. Alf Hudson dated 1917 and one from V. Wor. Bro. J. C. Smithson dated 1909 would be placed in the archives of the lodge".

December 17, 1987: "W. Bro. Bob Smithson suggested to the lodge that it would be a good idea if some books were purchased and a small library be started. This would be looked into".

November 16, 1989: "W. Bro. Mills reported the formation of a library".

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